تصفح الوسم


One Killed due to violating clashes in Aden

The fierce clashes broke in Yemen’s southern province of Aden killed a man on Sunday, according to sources. He was wounded an armed group on a bus exchange fire in the main street in At-Tawahi area, without giving any reason,the…

Two women died due to heavy rainfall in Sanaa

Two women died on Monday when their house was demolished as a result of heavy rainfall in Manakhah district of Sanaa province, a security official said. The official added that the floods as a result of heavy rain caused the collapse…

Due to heavy rains, Hababah Dam collapsed

Due to heavy rains, Hababah Dam in the district of Thula, northern Yemen’s Amran, has collapsed on Monday . After the collapse of the Al-Ronah water dam in Hababah area in Thula district,the Civil Defense Department in Amran…