تصفح الوسم

US Failure

Yemeni Air Defenses Shoot Down Eighth U.S. MQ-9 Drone

Yemen’s air defense systems continue to intercept and down American MQ-9 drones, reconnaissance, combat, and multi-role drones known as 'MQ9', The latest technology in the world of drones that the U.S. prides itself on. During the…

At the Threshold of the Strait… America Arrogance Ends

Yemen is playing a pivotal role in reshaping the regional and international power balance. As tensions and conflicts escalate, Yemen has demonstrated its capacity to influence maritime policy and global trade, signaling a shift away from…

Yemeni Navy Shatters the Myth of U.S. Supremacy

In a stunning military achievement, the Yemeni Navy has dismantled the long-standing myth of U.S. naval dominance in the Red Sea. This success has disrupted the plans of the "Guardian of Prosperity" coalition, which began in December 2023…