تصفح الوسم


Washington Post: Saudi Arabia Is Led by Ruthless Tyrant

The Washington Post wrote in its editorial under the title "Crown Prince of the Saudi Death Squads," that Al-Jabri's lawsuit filed in Washington, DC, against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bears suspicious resemblance to…

Washington Trying to Cover up USAID Weapons Scandal

The United States of America tried to cover up the weapons scandal supplied by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for the Saudi-Emirati militia in Yemen; allegedly seized another Iranian arms ship off…

The U.S. Needs to Know What Went Wrong: Washington Post

When America has recovered from the coronavirus crisis and people are back to work, Rep. Adam B. Schiff thinks Congress should consider a 9/11-style independent commission to examine why the nation was so unprepared for the pandemic.…