Once Again, Civilians Victims of Military Failure of Saudi-led aggression

Once again, civilian casualties fall due to the raids of the aggression coalition fighter jets on Yemen, which committed a new massacre of dozens, most of them women and children, in Al-Maslob district in Al-Jawf governorate, north of the country.

This hideous massacre, in which statistics indicate the martyrdom of 32 civilians and the injury of others, is an extension of the crimes of this coalition of aggression  since the start of its absurd war on Yemen in March of 2015 under the collusion and silence of the international community and the United Nations organization.

The strange thing is that with all rudeness, the Saudi aggression admitted in a statement what it committed and considered it an accidental error, while this crime was met with widespread condemnations from the Yemeni forces and circles, considering it like its predecessors crimes that will not be fall under a statute of limitations. It reveals the ugly and criminal face and the extent of failure and confusion for this enemy that has no goal but to kill and target the Yemeni people with internationally prohibited bombs, destroying the land and people of Yemen.

Five years was and is still able to reveal the goals of this aggression, including occupying the land, plundering wealth, denigration of identity and religion, reviving regional and sectarian strife and plunging the country into strife and endless problems.

Targeting civilians in Al-Jawf coincided with the intensity of air strikes in the Yemeni regions during the last days, specifically the areas of Nihm, Al-Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Sa’ada, in light of a crazy escalation of air strikes and military operations on the ground, particularly in the border front and Hodeidah governorate, which continue to bombard neighborhoods, villages and areas with artillery and Katyusha rockets. The victims are also civilians, homes, civilian facilities and infrastructure without achieving any noticeable military targets.

Military experts explained this escalation and the hysterical act of the coalition of aggression as an attempt to cover up its recent defeats, through using its air force towards civilians after the military failure on the ground and the painful strikes on the battlefields. The latest of that is AlBunyan Al-Marsous operation, in which the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees managed to control the strategic Nihm area and districts in Al-Jawf and Ma’rib governorates, which are among the most important strongholds of the authority of Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi and his forces.

The great losses suffered by the Saudi-led coalition inside the Yemen also prompted it to try to disrupt the internal front through plans designed to bring the provinces under the control of the Army and Popular Committees into a state of chaos and internal conflict, as revealed by the Ministry of Interior in Sana’a as part of a major security operation called “thwart their deeds”. It was revealed in it breaking up two spy rings operating for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to carry out acts of chaos and sabotage activities to harm the status of the Republic of Yemen and its institutions.

Thwarting this plot represents a new security victory for the authority in Sana’a, added to its military victories. Such a victory is met by a new madness of aggression, resulting in the loss of innocent lives and new civilian victims.

Source: Websites.

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