Epidemic committee closes ten neighborhoods in Sana’a temporarily

The Technical Committee for Epidemics closed, on Wednesday, ten neighborhoods in the directorates of the capital Sana’a, as a pilot measure within the preventive health precautions against Coronavirus.

The capital’s mayor Hamoud Obad and the Committee’s member Khalid al-Madani visited one of the closed neighborhoods to inspect the level of citizens’ commitment to the precautionary measures in it.

Obad and al-Madani confirmed that the experimental closure plan would be applied to the targeted neighborhoods for spraying and sterilization, in a manner that enhances the precautionary measures to prevent the Corona epidemic.

They called on the residents of the targeted neighborhoods to adhere to the instructions of the commissioned committees and to stay at homes during the specified 24-hour period so that the committees and spraying teams can perform their duties in sterilizing street and neighborhood workshops.

While the head of the emergency operations room in Sana’a emphasized that the commitment of the families and citizens to stay in their homes during the closing period, will enhance the role of the committees in the implementation of their work to the fullest extent, noting that the precautionary measures implemented come within the framework of preparations to confront the Coronavirus.

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