Sons of Yakla region bless the victories of the army and the popular committees

On Sunday, the people of  Yakla region in Al-Baydha governorate organized their first celebrated rally stand after liberating their area from the Takfiri elements and completely clearing it of their crimes that lasted for twenty years from which the people there suffered of it.

The stand witnessed a great presence by the people of the Yakla region, they blessed the victories of the army and the popular committees, indicated the greatness of this strategic achievement, which would not have been achieved without the leadership’s interest and its attention to their suffering.

After the event, many people in the region flocked to hold a meeting that resulted in a tribal document confirmed that the people of Yakla will support the efforts made by the army and the popular committees and bless the victories that have been achieved.

The document also affirmed that they all stand with the leadership and preserve their area and not allow any intruder, traitor, agent or mercenary again, and they will keep in help and support to the leadership, the army, the security, and the popular committees.

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