Yemen’s Supreme Political Council Reaffirms Support for Palestine Amid Regional Developments

In a meeting held on Monday, the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, presided over by Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, reviewed the latest local, regional, and international developments. The council praised the achievements of the Yemeni armed forces and their successful military operations in support of Palestine, amid widespread popular momentum from all regions within the Republic supporting these operations.

President Al-Mashat briefed the council members on the military and political developments, communications, and messages received by the Yemeni Republic regarding its firm, principled, humanitarian, and religious stance in support of the Palestinian people, the people of the Gaza Strip, and several related topics.

The Supreme Political Council reiterated that the position of the Yemeni Republic is firm and will not back down until the Zionist aggression on the people of Gaza stops, the siege is lifted, and medicine and food are allowed in. The council confirmed that the Yemeni Republic is proceeding within the framework of establishing the principle of reciprocity with countries hostile to Yemen, and that it operates according to international law.

The council praised the position of the countries that did not follow the American orientations supporting the Zionist entity. The meeting touched on the broad understanding by the international community of Yemen’s decisions taken in self-defense against aggression and arrogance from the “triple evil” of America, Britain, and the Zionist entity, and in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza amid the ongoing Zionist genocide crimes against them.

The meeting praised the widespread popular interaction of the Yemeni people with the weekly marches that have not stopped in support and endorsement of Palestine, expressing the faith identity and authenticity of the Yemeni people and their interaction with the issues of the nation.

The meeting called on all the people of Yemen to continue the weekly marches in the capital, Sana’a, and the rest of the provinces, due to its significant impact on the enemies and the failure of their conspiracies and plans.

The council reiterated its readiness to implement the Marib initiative, represented by the nine points presented by the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, and the initiative of President Mahdi Al-Mashat related to Taiz Governorate in all its points, considering that the two initiatives aim to actually secure the movement of citizens and alleviate their suffering.

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