Assad Congratulates Syrian Nation, Government Forces, Freeing of Aleppo

President Bashar al-Assad has congratulated the Syrian nation and government forces over major territorial gains made in the country’s embattled northwestern province of Aleppo following intense battles with foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants. He emphasized that the achievements do not mark the end of the campaign against terrorism that has plagued the country.

“I well knew that Syrian Arab Army soldiers are fighting wholeheartedly, and the patriotism of Aleppo residents together with their sense of affiliation to their ethnic homeland and army will alter the calculations of the enemies,” Assad said in a televised speech broadcast live from the capital Damascus on Monday evening.

“We are fully aware that the recent liberation does not mean the end of the war, the failure of schemes, the complete purge of terrorism or the surrender of enemies. Nevertheless, it means that enemies have been taken down a peg as a prelude for their total defeat, sooner or later,” Assad said.

“It also means that we must not rest assured, and must prepare for the coming battles. Therefore, the battle to liberate the entire Aleppo and Idlib will continue irrespective of some hollow threats just as the campaign to retake all Syrian territories, to crush terrorism, and to restore stability will also continue,” he commented.

Assad underlined that Syrian army soldiers will not hesitate to carry out their national duties as regards defending the country and its nation.

The remarks came as Syria’s General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced in a statement earlier in the day that government forces had established full control over tens of villages and towns in the western and northwestern countryside of Aleppo.

Assad underlined that Syrian army soldiers will not hesitate to carry out their national duties as regards defending the country and its nation.

The remarks came as Syria’s General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced in a statement earlier in the day that government forces had established full control over tens of villages and towns in the western and northwestern countryside of Aleppo.

The Syrian offensive against militants in Idlib began on August 5, 2019, after those positioned in the de-escalation zone failed to honor a ceasefire brokered by Russia and Turkey and continued to target civilian neighborhoods.

Source: Websites.

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