President Al-Mashat Unveils 4 New air defense missile systems

President Mahdi Al-Mashat unveiled, Sunday, four new air defense systems, Thaqib-1, Thaqib-2, Thaqib-3 and Fatir-1, which were developed with purely Yemeni expertise, according to al-masirah website.

During the inauguration of the exhibition of the martyr Abdulaziz Muharram for air defenses, the President was briefed on the exhibition’s new models of air defense systems that entered the service after being successfully tested.

Al-Mashat, Minister of Defense Major General Mohamed Al-Atefy, the Chairman of the General Staff Major General Mohamed Al-Ghammari, and the Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e, listened to an explanation about the technical and tactical characteristics of the defense systems, the stages of their development and their testing processes, which proved their ability to hit targets with high accuracy.

The President and the attendees saw a documentary film on the stages of developing and modernizing air defense systems during five years of aggression, and scenes of the effectiveness and success of these defense systems in hitting their targets during the stages of testing.

President Al-Mashat praised the efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the Presidency of the General Staff in various fields, including the development and modernization of the military industries system in line with the requirements of the battle of confrontation and deterring the forces of aggression.

For his part, the Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e said that the details and characteristics of the new air defense systems will be revealed in a news supplement this afternoon.

The exhibition was also attended by Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Ali Al-Mushki, Members of the Supreme Political Council, Chairmen of the House of Representatives Yahya Al-Rai, Prime Minister Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor and a number of ministers and military leaders.


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