UN Promised Medical Air Bridge for Yemeni Patients, Distant Hope

For five years, the Yemeni people have been dying continuously. Some of them are killed by the US-Saudi aggression raids, some of them starve to death as a result of the blockade imposed by the coalition forces on Yemen, and some die because of their health problems. They are prevented from getting any treatment abroad due to the closure of Sana’a Int. airport.


The Medical Air Bridge that the media, humanitarian organizations and the United Nations describe as humanitarian action is only an excuse to justify the position of the coalition countries regarding the siege of the Yemeni people. They intend to play the Yemenis’ suffering and pain that has exhausted them and robbed the lives of many of its citizens. In fact, the US-Saudi aggression has no real justification to impose a siege.


On the sixteenth of September 2019 the Yemeni Foreign Ministry and the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, Lise Grande, agreed to start the Medical Air Bridge to transport Yemeni patients for their treatment abroad. Many risked their death until the 3rd of February were the first trip to transport 7 patients as a first group as took off.


The statement of the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths indicated that the remaining patients from the first group will be transferred on a second flight. 7 patients left Sana’a out of 32,000 patients who applied to travel abroad to save their lives. They are about to leave at any moment, and waiting is still ongoing until January 9th, when 23 patients were evacuated to complete the first medical flight for 30 patients who were transferred to Jordan And Egypt is after a long wait.


How much life is left for these patients?!


If these flights continue regularly and periodically, that is, in every six days, 30 patients are evacuated, then the last patient will be evacuated after 15 years. Perhaps that date will come and the passports will be in the hands of the sick children or their younger brothers who are demanding to travel for treatment after the death of that patient who has long Waiting for the United Nations to travel until he passed away.


The UN envoy Martin Griffiths said in a joint statement with the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen and the International Quota Organization that the United Nations will do its utmost to ensure the continuation of the Medical Air Bridge as a temporary solution to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni, until a more sustainable achievement is reached in the near future.


It seems that the continuation of those trips did not last long, especially after Albonian Almarsous, (Unit Front) offensive carried out by the Army and the Popular Committees in Nihm district, Al-Jouf and Marib Junction, in which they liberated about 2500 square kilometers, which resulted in many obstacles in completing the transportation of patients of the first group consisting of 30 Sick.


This is confirmed by the statement of the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Abdel Mohsen Tawoos, in which he said, “The promotion of international organizations to suspend aid came in conjunction with the victories in Marib and Al-Jawf.”


From time to time, a United Nations envoy’s plane lands in Yemen Martin Griffiths, and the plane of one of the humanitarian organizations that wreaked havoc in the name of humanitarian aid takes off. According to what the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Peacock said, the humanitarian assistance that reaches the Yemeni people does not amount to 20% of what the people need.


How valuable are these allegations to help and save the people from death, just ink on paper that humanitarian organizations and the United Nations use as a way to serve the coalition in killing the Yemeni people that the evil coalition has been unable to subjugate by force of arms imported from around the world.


Sanaa Airport Waiting for Slow Death


Sana’a airport has become, for Yemeni patients, the hospital that they continue to ask about, and about the procedures and agreements that require opening it. Month after month and year after year, their condition worsens some have died before they heard the news of opening the Medical Air Bridge. Their question has become only about opening Sana’a airport, despite the fact that many of them are certain that they will not travel. According to what the BBC has published about a WHO official that “when they were talking to patients – have been registered- informing them of the date of flights, some of them closed his phone angrily after telling them that the patient had died.”


All what the US-Saudi aggression wants is to kill the Yemeni people by any means, taking all the methods that will take their lives and erase their history. After failing to resolve the military and their losses day after day, they realized that there is no point in bowing the Yemeni people except by siege it and cutting all avenues for it leading to completion His life in peace.

Source: al-masirh website.

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