Foreign Minister :It’s time to achieve peace in Yemen

Foreign Minister Eng.Hisham Sharaf affirmed the latest political and field conditions proved that undoubtedly the announced reason of coalition Aggression is weak , pretending returning a Legitimacy that is not found in the ground , confirming that it is time for peace in Yemen.

He clarified at a statement to Saba news agency that the So-called Legitimacy who were a Group of people and a number of mercenaries are looking for a personal interests , Stressing that they are far from the National political scene for years and most of their concern to continue their financial allocations and wandering from one capital to another and the exploitation of the Yemeni embassies.

He called on the UN Security Council to do its responsibility and seriously re-examine the Yemeni reality and take care of a new stage of movement, procedures and arrangements that would achieve a comprehensive and obligatory cease-fire that includes aggressive air strikes, accompanied by the lifting of the blockade and the opening of land, sea and air outlets towards creating an environment for real political consultations aimed at replacing A just and sustainable peace.

He underscored that there should be a clear directions in order to consider the internal interests between the conflict parties and achieve the Yemeni people expectations, stop the external interference,that attempt to drag Yemen into proxy wars which would remain the absurd and non-peaceful war for years to come without any progress to Stop the suffering of Yemeni people and without leading it to a stable and safe phase.

Minister Sharaf mention that the Supreme Political Council has formed a national team concerned with achieving comprehensive internal reconciliation and working towards Yemeni reunification alongside the announcement launched by Sana’a on September 21, 2019 for peace by sitting with the Saudi side publicly before the world and not behind the scenes, which is an important first step for dealing With the Yemeni-Saudi file and a prelude to future steps that establish good-neighborly relations between the two countries.

Foreign Minister concluded his statement to call Riyadh and Abu-Dabi to take brave and responsible procedures for peace leading to a stable reality and good neighborliness and to recognize the fact that Yemen is an independent state that has its own sovereignty and doesn’t make any aggression to any country and doesn’t make a proxy war .


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