Sana’a High Economic Commission ready to pay the salaries once the other party fulfills its obligations

The High Economic Commission in the capital, Sanaa, announced that it is ready to start paying the salaries of state employees from the revenues of Hodeidah ports “once the other party fulfills its obligations”.

The committee responded to the UN calls for humanitarian and economic measures to ease the suffering of Yemenis by calling for “the immediate lifting of the blockade to ensure the flow of medicines, goods and aid.”

“We affirm our readiness to start paying the salaries of state employees in accordance with the 2014 statements, if the other party and the United Nations commit to cover the deficit and the difference between the payroll and the revenues collected in the account of the initiative Salaries at the Central Bank of Hodeidah branch,” the committee said in a statement.

“We hold all the countries of aggression and those involved in the blockade fully responsible for the slowdown and failure,” the committee added.

The committee welcomed the UN Secretary-General’s calls for “a ceasefire in Yemen and the need to start economic and humanitarian steps to prevent the Yemeni people from deteriorating further in the living, health and humanitarian situation, especially with the outbreak of the new Coronavirus  in neighboring countries and  potential risks of its spread in Yemen.”

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