Ansarullah Political Bureau affirms Yemen’s steadfast on the Palestinian cause

On Monday, Ansarullah Political Bureau renewed Yemen’s steadfast and principled stand on the Palestinian issue and Al-Quds, which represents the first, central and compass issue that defines the path and unites Arab and Islamic nation. The Office affirmed that the Yemeni People stand beside the oppressed Palestinian people and resistance movements.

In a statement on the occasion of Land Day, the Political Bureau praised the great Palestinian movements and stances that affirm the unity, strength and solidity of the will of the Palestinian people, who adhere to their just cause and honorable movement to liberate the land and preserve identity.

The Bureau called on the Mujahideen in Palestine, praising their response to the brutality of the usurping Zionist entity and the terrible crimes committed against the oppressed Palestinian people.


The Political Bureau strongly condemned all the Zionist expansion of operations from gnawing the land and killing the Palestinian people in total dependence on the protection provided by the American administration.

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