Al-Marwani checks services provided in the quarantine centers in Dhamar

The first representative of the Dhamar governorate, Fahd Abdul Hamid Al-Marwani, reviewed yesterday the services provided to the expatriates in the health quarantine centers in Dhamar.

During his visit to the food stores and the homework kitchen provided to the quarantine, Al-Marwani stressed the importance of supporting efforts to provide food duties for expatriates in the quarantine centers.

He pointed out that the local authority is working in coordination with the joint technical committee to prepare for confronting Coronavirus to provide health and food services to expatriates in the context of precautionary measures to confront the virus.

He praised the role of service, health and security committees controlling the quarantine centers and their efforts, calling for the cooperation in spreading societal awareness of the dangers of the virus and the importance of adhering to the procedures used to confront it.

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