Yemeni Scholars Call on Saudi, Emirati Regimes to Stop Aggression and Lift Siege

The Association of Yemeni Scholars blessed the Yemeni people and the Islamic nation with the advent of Ramadan.

In a statement, Yemeni scholars called on the Saudi and Emirati regimes to review their accounts during Ramadan, correct their hostile stances, stop the aggression, lift the siege on the Yemeni people and accept the national vision of a comprehensive and just solution before it is too late.

The Association of Yemeni Scholars also called the deceived to benefit from the extension of the amnesty decision and return to the homeland, especially in this holy month.

The statement stressed the need to take advantage of the jihadist holy month of Ramadan stations to strengthen the anti-global awareness of global arrogance, led by the US and Israel.

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