The national delegation discusses with ambassadors of the permanent members, humanitarian issues in Yemen

The humanitarian issues in Yemen in light of the continued aggression and siege led by the American Saudi-led coalition were Tuesday discussed by the national negotiating delegation headed by Mohammed Abdulsalamwith ambassadors of the permanent member states of the Security Council, via video technology.

The cease-fire did not take place and that the Saudi initiative was not real, as the shelling and air raids are continuing, as well as the attacks did not stop on various fronts, and the siege increased, the national delegation affirmed.

The delegation also reviewed with the ambassadors issues that are still in dispute regarding the political vision, as well as the delegation’s observations on the ceasefire project presented by the UN envoy.

The national delegation ,during the meetings, affirmed the keenness to establish peace by presenting the initiatives, the latest of which is the political vision, and before it the presidential initiative, as well as the keenness to continue the discussion with the UN envoy in order to stop the aggression and break the siege.


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