WHO: Corona may not disappear and humanity must live with it

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the emerging coronavirus may never disappear and that it may turn into a disease that humankind will have to live with.

“We have a new virus that infects humankind for the first time, so it is very difficult to say when it can be defeated,” France Presse agency quoted director of urgent health issues at the World Health Organization, Michael Ryan as saying at an online news conference in Geneva on Thursday.

“This virus may become endemic in our societies and may never disappear,” he added.

A study published by the lecturer of the National Academy of Sciences lecturer in the United States revealed that the virus can be transmitted by speech and not only by coughing and sneezing, explaining that small saliva particles resulting from speech can remain suspended in the air for 12 minutes, where scientists estimated that every minute of speaking loudly It can generate more than a thousand particles containing the virus that are able to remain in the air for eight minutes or more indoors.

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