President al-Mashat condoles on death of Fatwa Council chairman Bin Hafeeth in Hadramout‏

The Field Marshal, President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi Al-Mashat sent a message of condolence on the death of the Chairman of the Fatwa Council at Tarim district in Hadramout province the scholar al-Habib Ali bin al-Mashhour bin Mohammed Salem bin Hafeeth al-Alawi following an incurable disease he suffered from after a busy life hired to serve the Islamic religion and society.

In the telegram send on Tuesday to the brother of the deceased scholar and preacher al-Habib Omar bin Hafeeth, the son of the deceased scholar Abdul-Rahman bin Ali Hafeeth and all the deceased family members and his loved ones, the President praised the virtues of the deceased, where he was a great and ascetic scholar who spent his life serving the religion and teaching useful knowledge through which he preserved the origins of religion from the false cultures that are alien to the true Islamic religion.

The President pointed out the great scholar Ali bin Hafeeth served religion and society in the field of teaching jurisprudential and legal sciences and the call to God Almighty, stressing that his departure is a great loss to the homeland, to religion and the Islam


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