Tawoos Reviews The Mechanism Of The Complaints Center Of The Central Committee Of The Cash Assistance Project

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, Abdul Mohsen Tawoos, was briefed today on the mechanism of work at the Complaints Centre of the Central and Technical Committee of the Cash Assistance Project in partnership with the Food Program.

At the meeting, which was attended by the Chairman of the Central and Technical Committee, Anwar al-Lahaji, and the media committee staff, Tawoos heard from the center’s officials an explanation of the mechanism of work, the complaints received by the Center from citizens to respond to their inquiries.

He also listened to the needs in the centers and difficulties in their work and promised to overcome them, calling for their role to be better strengthened through a mechanism that works to classify complaints and raise them to take the necessary measures in providing the necessary assistance to the beneficiaries provided by the World Food Program, pointing out that the center’s reports will be one of the criteria for evaluating the staff of the complaint center.

Tawoos stressed that the staff at the complaints center should redouble their efforts in cooperation with the media committee and working to help citizens in light of Yemen’s humanitarian crisis, which is the worst in the world due to the aggression and siege.

In turn, The Chairman of the Joint Central and Technical Committee, Anwar al-Lahji, urged the staff of the complaints center to redouble their efforts and work to help citizens by the complaints received and classified them in cooperation with the Media Committee.

Al-Lahji stressed that the media committee is currently working on a mechanism to deal with complaints through applications, social media platforms, e-mail, telephone communication, field visits to document and give a report to take the necessary procedure to solve citizens’ complaints and ensure that assistance is directed to those who deserve.

The Central Committee of the Cash Assistance Project between the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs and the World Food Programme has already set the toll-free number for the complaints service and receiving inquiries via the toll-free hotline 8004545.

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