The Minister of Health ,the Governor of Ibb inaugurate the Isolation Hospital in Al-Sahol

Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha al-Mutawakkil and Governor of Ibb province Abdulwahid Salah on Thursday opened the health isolation hospital in al-Sahol area.

Dr. al-Mutawakil and Salah got acquainted with the hospital equipment and the arrangements made for receiving the sick cases in accordance with the standards and controls and the instructions of the Health Ministry.

During the inauguration, the Health Minister indicated that the opening of this isolation hospital represents a qualitative shift for the health aspect in Ibb province. “The hospital represents a model at the level of Yemen,” he said.

For his part, the governor praised the interest of the Health Minister in the health sector in the province and the efforts of the health office to complete the equipment for the isolation hospital.


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