Socotra Governor: What happens in Socotra is an exchange of roles between Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Socotra governor, Hashem Sa’ad Al-Socotri, confirmed that what happens in Socotra Archipelago is not a product of the moment, but rather is planned in the framework of roles exchanged between Saudi Arabia and the Emirates.

In a statement, Al-Socotri told Almasirah that “Those who are mortgages of Socotra to the occupation forces must consider what is happening in the southern governorates,” referring to the failure of all plans and promises announced during the first stage of launching the Saudi-led aggression.

He affirmed that, today, we depend on the awareness of the people of Socotra in resisting the occupation and realizing that the archipelago and the country are subject to an international targeting for its strategic location and abundant resources.

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