25 offensive operations by the enemy ,over 400 raids over the past week: Brigadier General Sarie


The US-Saudi aggression coalition jets launched over 400 air raids on a number of provinces during the past week, Spokesman for the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sarie, said on Thursday.

The air strikes were launched in the provinces of Marib, Jawf, Sanaa, Amran, Saada, Hajjah, and Bayda and the boarder fronts, the spokesman explained.

The aggression forces continue to escalate on several fronts, waging during the past week more than 25 attacks and infiltration attempts, which were in Marib, Jawf, West Coast, Saada, Bayda and border fronts, Sarie confirmed.

The aggression coalition has waged over 2,891 raids since April 9, while the total number of offensive and infiltration operations reached more than 195, he added.


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