Palestinian Resistance Arrests Cell Operating on Behalf of Zionist Occupation in Gaza

Palestinian Interior Ministry in Gaza announced early on Friday that it has arrested an undercover cell operating on behalf of the Zionist occupation in the coastal enclave which is controlled by Hamas Resistance movement.


“Within the framework of the security apparatuses’ efforts to counter infiltration attempts by Israel and its agents, they succeeded in uncovering a [Israeli] cell engaged in hostile activities against members of the resistance,” Interior Ministry in Gaza said in a statement.


The statement continued: “Over the past few days the security apparatuses detected suspicious activities by a number of people. Consequently, intensive investigations were launched along with surveillance of these people, which led to their arrest after an operation spanning several days.”


According to the statement, technological equipment used by the cell inside Gaza was also confiscated, along with a sum of money each cell member had allegedly received from Israel as payment.


Based on the initial interrogation of the cell members, the statement said, they were to target Resistance members in the coming days, under direct orders from Israeli intelligence officers.


The statement added that the interrogations were ongoing and that legal measures would be taken against the cell members.

Source: Agencies

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