American magazine: Washington failed in Yemen and its weapons become with Al Qaeda’s hands

The American “Foreign Policy” magazine directed harsh criticism of the policies pursued by successive American administrations in the Middle East, especially Yemen, calling on the current US administration to change its destabilizing behavior in the region.

In a recent report, the magazine confirmed that the Trump administration’s approach to proxy wars had failed and did not achieve the strategic objectives of the United States of America.

Rather, it sometimes did the opposite, evidenced by what is happening in Yemen, where it said: “It was for the logistical military support provided by Washington.

The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has serious negative repercussions, ”noting that the Yemeni army and the popular committees can direct strong strikes in the depths of Saudi Arabia, especially with the continuing war on Yemen.

The American magazine advised Washington to change this approach and focus on a new strategy that focuses on major investments in development and diplomacy, which will help ensure that wars do not start again and restore Washington to its position and the pioneering role that preserves its influence.

The magazine acknowledged that the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen concluded secret deals with al-Qaeda fighters, while the American weapons sold to Saudi Arabia and the UAE handed over to the takfiri groups (al-Qaeda).

The magazine indicated in its report, that the humanitarian repercussions of those conflicts that the American administrations have fostered will have long-term and unpredictable consequences, indicating that the United States cannot immunize itself from the problems resulting from instability, terrorism and the level of societal polarization that may exceed the point of no return – as described.

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