Death Sentence for 16 Involved in Assassination of Martyr Al-Sammad and his companions

In the most important trial in Yemen, the Specialized Criminal Court in Hodeidah province held its public sentencing hearing on Monday regarding the assassination of President Saleh Ali Al-Sammad and his companions, Amin Samnan, Amin Al-Rasha, Abdulbari Manna’a, Ali Dirhem, Saleh Al-Hamdani, and Abdulkarim Sharaf al-Din.

The court, headed by the head of the court Judge Amin Zabara, has convicted 16 defendants in the case with the crimes of murder and intelligence and sentenced them to death.

The convicts are:

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi

Ali Mohsen Saleh Al-Ahmar

Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher

Mohammad Ali Al-Maqdashi

Tariq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh

Ali Ali Ibrahim Al-Qouzi

Abdulmalik Ahmed Mohammad Hamid

Mohammed Khaled Ali Heig

Mohammad Ibrahim Ali Al-Qouzi

Mohammad Yahya Mohammad Noah

Ibrahim Mohammed Abdullah Aqil

Mohammad Mohammad Ali Al-Mashkhari

Abdulaziz Ali Mohammad Al-Aswad

Moath Abdulrahman Abdullah Abbas

Following sentencing, the convicts present before the court requested to be appealed, while the lawyers installed on behalf of the fugitive convicts reserved the right to comment.

The prosecutor also reserved the right of the prosecution to appeal until the head of the appeals prosecution office is notified of the verdict. Whereas, the lawyer for the blood guardians reserves the right to partially appeal until the blood guardians are referred to.

The judgment of the Court contains postponing the adjudication of the criminal case against the rest of the foreign defendants mentioned in the indictment and returning the file to the prosecution office to complete the investigation procedures and collect evidence in other incidents related to the accused within the jurisdiction of the court.

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