Suspension of UN Flights to Sana’a Airport

Yemen Ministry of Transport announced the suspension of all United Nations and humanitarian agency flights to Sana’a International Airport, due to fuel shortages, starting from Wednesday.

“Sanaa airport will stop receiving international and humanitarian relief planes due to lack of oil derivatives as a result of the Saudi-led unjust blockade on Yemen,” Minister of Transport, Zakariya al-Shami.

“Closure of Sana’a airport created a humanitarian catastrophe, left tens of thousands of deaths, and threatened hundreds of thousands of patients,” he added. “Crimes of Saudis exposed the UN’s lack of all values ​​of humanity.”

Al-Shami’s remarks came at an event held on Sunday by the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority for four years of air blockade at Sana’a International Airport.

Yemen Petroleum Company confirmed in mid-August that the diesel had run out and demanded the release of its ships detained by the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen.

The YPC denounced the aggression’s continuous detention of fuel vessels in a statement of condemnation to the United Nations office in Sana’a, as the company was unable to cover the rest of the sectors and supply them with “diesel”.

On July 19, the National Salvation Government based in Sana’a said that oil derivatives were about to run out with the silence of the UN and warned that the seizure of fuel vessels would lead to the closure of oxygen filling stations in all hospitals and the suspension of critical and urgent operations departments.

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