Saudi forces continue to withdraw military units from Marib

The Saudi forces have continued to withdraw completely all their military forces and soldiers from the city of Marib, according to local sources on Monday.

The sources said that Saudi Arabia has completed to withdraw all heavy weapons from Al-Rawaik camp towards Al-Wadiah border crossing in Hadramout province.

The move came following the Yemeni army has become close to take over the Saudi-led coalition-held city of Marib. The coalition forces were inflicted heavy casualties and military equipment during the armed confrontations in the provinces of Marib, Jawf and Bayda, according to the Yemeni army spokesman Yahya Sarie said.

The sources confirmed that dozens of recruits from Abaida tribes in the province to fight alongside coalition expressed their deep concern over being left alone in the first ranks to confront to the forces of the Sanaa government.

On Monday, the Saudi forces withdrew a part of their forces and military equipment from Tadawain and Al-Ruwaik camps in Marib city.

Last week, the spokesman Yahya Sarie confirmed that the army’s missile forces targeted an important and vital target in Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, using a ballistic missile and drones.

Additionally, the city of Marib is just 173 kilometres (107 miles) from the capital Sanaa, and serves as the base for the state-run Safer Exploration and Production Company and other foreign companies operating in Yemen’s vital energy sector.

The main gas pipeline also passes south through the town, which is controlled by the coalition forces and allied tribesmen.

The coalition have intervened in Yemen’s sovereignty and internal affairs Since March 26, 2015, and waged a military operating against the Yemeni army and people in flagrant violations of the international conventions.

The five-year-old coalition war on Yemen has killed over 10,000 Yemenis, mostly women and children, displaced more than 3 million, according to the United Nations.

It added that the long-running war has caused the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Currently, some 24 million Yemenis need humanitarian aid and 20 other million suffer lacking food security due to the conflicts, according to UN statistics.

UNICEF affirmed in its report that nearly 9 million people across Yemen have been reached with emergency cash assistance to help meet their urgent needs as the war in the country.

Source: Agencies


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