September 21 Revolution, Historical Juncture for Self-Building, advancement of Nation

Quoted from the official Saba News Agency, the revolution of September 21, 2014, AD which the sixth anniversary we are celebrating, represented a historic turning point for a new Yemeni path entitled dignity, freedom, independence of decision, and the end of the era of tutelage and the rule of ambassadors and agents of Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

The Yemeni people are celebrating this occasion despite the aggression, blockade, and extremely complex difficulties in the light of public and national awareness of these challenges as an inevitable struggle for self-reliance in building a homeland that has lived for decades deprived of decision and will.

The September 21 revolution charted the right way to face the challenges after the forces of corruption, mercenarism, conspiracy, usufruct authority, and interest power.

The revolution also rejects dependency, subservience projects, separation, guardianship over the Yemeni decision, and intervention in the home affairs, security imbalances, the fall of advocates of sedition and infidelity, and their disruptive and chaotic projects.

What distinguishes the Yemeni Revolution of Honor and Dignity, September 21 is that it was launched to carry out the projects of independence, sovereignty, and development in the industrial, agricultural, and military industries.

This glorious revolution crushed the corrupt who controlled the power of the people and their wealth, knowing that corruption thwarted the achievement of the goals of the glorious September and October revolutions, as the corrupt exploited the simplicity of the Yemeni people.

Observers described the September 21 revolution as a people’s cry against injustice and monopolizing the country’s capabilities and was not marred by any external interference, considering its achievements on the political and military levels and popular cohesion as a real victory for Yemen.

Observers added that the revolution confused the coalition of aggression, closed the doors to all forms of conspiracies, and blocked agents and mercenaries’ way to return Yemen into the tutelage arena again.

For six years, the aggression coalition failed to break the revolution’s violence and restore the influence of embassies, despite the brutal crimes it committed against the Yemeni people.

The siege and the flagrant violations were met with legendary steadfastness of the Yemen people where the conspiracies and malice of the Saudi regime and its tools have been demolished.

The September 21 revolution, during its six years, reflected an indomitable Yemeni will and major transformations in making the vocabularies of the political scene in Yemen and its repercussions at the local, regional and international levels, and revealed to the peoples of the world chapters of ugliness, mercenaries and trafficking in civilian blood in mercenarism that has never been witnessed in the history of Yemen.

The Yemenis struck the most amazing examples of steadfastness in breaking the repercussions of aggression and its agents and mercenaries, indoctrinating the kingdom of evil and criminality the harshest slaps, exposing its nullity, and showing its terrorist truth, so that it plunged into the swamp of moral fall and the whirlpool of US imperialist global blackmail.

The victory of the glorious September 21 Revolution constitutes a real achievement for all the Yemeni people, as it represented a pivotal transformation in the history of Yemen at the national and international levels, which restored its sovereignty and independence as well as triumphed for all the free and honorable who made sacrifices in building a strong Yemeni state and restoring its natural position among the rest of the world’s peoples.

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