Jordan records largest daily death toll from Corona

Jordan recorded 634 new cases of the new Corona virus on Tuesday, which is the highest daily number of infections in the Kingdom since the beginning of the outbreak in March.

The Minister of Health, Saad Jaber, called on citizens to “abide by and keep away from gatherings, events and celebrations that violate instructions, and the commitment to applying physical spacing, wearing masks and using sterilizers,” in order to protect the Kingdom’s people.

Jordan recorded a total of 5,679 cases of Coronavirus and 33 deaths from “Covid-19” disease.
Infections quadrupled last month as the Corona virus reappeared in a second wave, prompting authorities to re-impose new restrictions on the country’s population of 10 million.

The government closed schools last Thursday for a period of two weeks, shortly after two million students returned after a five-month hiatus following the emergence of dozens of cases among students and teachers.

Restaurants, cafes and bars were closed for two weeks, It imposed a prison sentence of up to one year for anyone hosting a wedding party or social or public gatherings attended by more than 20 people.

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