The UAE militia in occupied Aden spread drugs to target its youth

The human rights activist, Sua’ad Alawi, the head of the Aden Center for Awareness of the Danger of Drugs, accused the so-called Transitional Council of the UAE occupation of colluding with drug and hashish traffickers in Aden and their participation in exploiting childhood for illicit profit and destruction of youth.

She said in a press statement: “The security services of the so-called STC continue their silence in the face of widespread cases of abuse among youth and children and drug trafficking inside schools, universities and residential neighborhoods.”

Citizens in Aden explained that drugs, hallucinogens, and other narcotic substances are being sold in the streets and parks in front of everyone’s sight, accusing security leaders in the so-called STC of selling drugs and facilitating their entry into Aden and the southern governorates.

The mother of the kidnapped girl exposed the mercenaries of Abu Dhabi in Aden a few days ago, when she appeared in an audio recording of her to save the youth of Aden from being lost, as a result of the spread of drugs among youth and children, the Saudi and Emirati occupation and the so-called transitional group were responsible for kidnapping her daughter from the city of Aden in the morning.

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