People of Taiz organize many activities to commemorate the birth of the Prophet

The Yemeni people have their way to celebrate the Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday. They decorate their vehicles ahead of the celebrations. Mass preparations are underway. Most of the streets of the capital Sanaa are decorated with green lights.

On this occasion, Ansar Allah Social Unit office in the Salah district in the Taiz governorate held an expanded meeting attended by several official and social figures, notables, sheikhs, and a large crowd.

During which, many officials referred to the importance of celebrating this solemn religious occasion to draw inspiration from the lessons of the Holy Prophet.

While sons of Al-Jundiya and sons of Al-Hashmah in Al-Ta’aziah district of the same province organized two separate cultural events.

Where several words were delivered that referred in their entirety to the great joy that the Yemeni people have in sharing the memory of the Prophet’s birthday with all pride, honor, and glory, calling for active participation in the central activity embodying the principles of Muhammadiyah values ​​and morals and pride in a healthy human soul.

As well as the Awqaf and Guidance Office in the Shar’ab Al Rawnah district, Taiz governorate, organized an expanded meeting for preachers and guides, acknowledging the blessing, grace, and mercy bestowed by Allah when he sent His Holy Messenger (PBUH).

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