Great local and global interaction with the hashtag ” #USMotherOfTerrorism”

The hashtag “ #USMotherofTerrorism ” launched by the Yemeni people to expose American crimes against the peoples of the region, has generated great interaction among users of social networking sites and activists in the Arab and Islamic worlds.

A statement issued by the group that launched the hashtag, Sunday, stated that the United States of America is the one who declared war on Yemen from its capital, and it is the one who kills Yemenis with its bombs and who fights al-Qaeda and ISIS elements on its side, and it is the one who occupied Iraq and killed Iraqis and who planted the takfiri elements in it.

US is the first supporter of the Zionist entity with all its crimes against the Palestinians for sixty years.

It is America, whose history is filled with wars and its name is stained with the blood of peoples.

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