Rouhani: Next US Admin Will Bow to Iranian Nation

The Iranian nation’s fortitude will surely force the next US administration to give in, President Hassan Rouhani said.

In comments after opening a number of projects carried out by the Interior Ministry on Thursday, Rouhani said he is quite confident that the Iranian nation’s resistance will make the next US administration give in.

“We must all try to strengthen national power, because increased national power and unity will force everyone to bow down to the Iranian nation,” he added.

Pointing to the advice that Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei gave the Iranian officials on Wednesday about boosting national solidarity, the president warned against any comment that may drive a wedge between people.

“We must try to neutralize the sanctions,” Rouhani stressed, giving an assurance that his administration will do its utmost to that end.

“I assure the people that resistance and perseverance will force the enemy to surrender to the Iranian nation,” he added.

In remarks on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei offered four important pieces of advice. “Be strong in all fields, do not trust the enemy, preserve national unity, and more than thinking about removing the sanctions work on nullifying them.”

Source: Agencies

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