Israeli Channel 13: Drones Capabilities in Yemen Are What Worries Israel

The Israeli “Channel 13” talked about the level of tension between Iran and “Israel”, after the alleged sending of Israeli military submarines to the Gulf, the launching of missiles from Gaza last weekend, and the new Iranian threats.

The Israeli channel indicated that there were two important events made an Iranian desire to avenge, the first is the assassination of the nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, and the second is the first annual anniversary of the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, on January 3.

Together, these two matters “pushed to raise preparations in the Israeli security establishment,” according to Channel 13, which confirmed the “fear of Iran’s attempt to develop capabilities in Yemen that could pose a threat to Israel.”

Channel 13 said: “It may sound strange to most Israelis when hearing Yemen, which has never been a threat, but yes it is Yemen – Iranian drones, like those that attacked the Saudi oil company Aramco a year and a half ago, could arrive from Yemen to Israel.”

Translated from: Al-mayadeen

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