Deputy FM mocks Tariq Afash’s allegations

Deputy Foreign Minister, Hussein Al-Ezzi, mocked here on Saturday Tariq Afash’s allegations about the release of his son.

In a tweet to tweet in response to the allegations, Al-Ezzi, said that Tariq Afash is a respected Yemeni young man, and our responsibility is to protect him from normalization with the Zionists, calling on Afash to condemn the UAE normalization the with Israel and to consider its normalization a treason and a crime against Arab Palestinian children and women.

He affirmed that each side has to fight with the normalizing country, in reference to “the forces that are fighting with the coalition against Yemen, and a prisoner exchange deal will be on the basis of all for all, including coalition states.

Earlier, Tariq Afash announced that Sanaa stipulated leaving him to fight on the West Coast front backed by the UAE, in exchange for the release of his arrested son.

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