Lawmakers Guilty of ‘Serious Crimes,’ If Found Complicit in US Capitol Breach

Some US lawmakers could be guilty of “serious crimes” if they are found complicit in the attack on US Capitol by supporters of US President Donald Trump, an analyst says.

“They might be guilty of some pretty serious crimes. And that could even include accomplices in murder,” the political commentator told Press TV on Sunday.

He made the comments after top Democrats started bringing up the possibility that some Republican lawmakers in the House might have helped the protesters in the days leading up to deadly breach of the Capitol earlier this month.

“If these members of Congress actually gave them directions, and help them to see where to go, then they were accomplices,” said the political commentator. “I don’t know how difficult that’s going to be to prove, but there’s a lot of cameras in the Capitol, so there’s a good chance that it will be doable.”

If some lawmakers are found guilty, a body outside the Congress has to see into the matter, he further suggested.

“This is not just something that’s going to be guided within the Congress. Congress doesn’t prosecute people for crimes with the possible consequences of them going to jail.”

Law enforcement authorities are preparing for potentially more violence ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday, which will be held despite the lame-duck’s refusal to concede defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump has also been impeached over his role in the protest at the Capitol, which left five people dead.

“They planned this. And there’s no way that this was some kind of impromptu thing that just happened. It was well planned and it looks like it was planned, with the help and cooperation of some of the members of Congress,” according to the analyst.

Source: Press TV


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