The American classification is worthless, despite the Saudi system’s bearing its price

Yemen and many world capitals witnessed last week rallies denouncing the global war on Yemen, six years ago, and rejecting the American classification against Ansarullah as a terrorism group.

Ansarollah website met with several participants in the marches that were held on Monday in the Bab Al-Yaman area in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa,  to convey the opinion of the Yemeni street towards the American policy that it pursues against our country.

Investigation Department:

The educator Mustafa Youssef Khalil emphasized that America’s talk about Ansarullah means all the Yemeni people targeted by the alliance of evil, indicating that Washington played its last card.

Mustafa Khalil said that our protest today is to demand an end to the aggression against Yemen, the abolition of classification of the Ansarullah movement as a terrorist group, the lifting of the siege on Yemen, and the opening of all land and seaports.

He added, when the enemies decided to launch the aggression on Yemen, they claimed that it is a war against the “Houthis”, but today it is no longer hidden from anyone that their war and their aggression is targeting the Yemeni people as a whole, and this fact has become clear even to the mercenaries and they are talking about it and acknowledging it.

The disappearance of terror:

Regarding the Iraqi arena and its relationship with decisions and the American presence, activist Khaled Al-Lahim added to what Khalil said: “The criminal bombings that affected shoppers in a market in Iraq represented an image of many of American terrorism that left more than 2 million Iraqi martyrs.

Al-Lahim pointed out that America has been trying for years to enter Yemen and build military bases, but Ansarullah stopped this project and rejected American hegemony.

Therefore, praise is to Allah, we find that the terrorist acts that were taking place in Sana’a and other non-occupied areas stopped.

The pleasure of the mercenaries:

As for the lawyer, Hamid Al-Hujaili, directed his speech towards the mercenaries, where he expressed astonishment at that cheer and excessive joy at the American authority’s decision to classify the Ansarullah movement as terrorism.

And he said: The governorates of Amanat Al Asimah – Sana’a – Dhamar – Al Bayda – Ibb – Mahwit – Hajjah – Saada – Amran – part of Hodeidah – part of Taiz – and part of Al Dhale’e governorate are governed by Ansarullah and most of the Yemeni population resides in it, which you claim You have the right to rule it on the pretext that the international community recognizes you.

He stressed that the US decision is not directed only against Ansarullah, but against Yemen as a whole.

American Crimes:

Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Ahdal confirmed that the decision of aggression and the classification of Ansarullah came only when the Yemeni people wanted to liberate their political decision and get out of foreign domination and guardianship, indicating that the American administration revealed its truth and the falsity in democracy and human rights that it claims.

He added, “the announcement of the aggression against Yemen came from Washington, which confirms America’s sponsorship and support for the Saudi-Emirati coalition to kill the Yemeni people and destroy their capabilities.

Politician Saleh Binoun also emphasized that terrorism is an American industry, pointing to the criminal and terrorist record of America and the Zionist entity, whether in Palestine, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Syria, and other countries of the world.

He pointed out that the US decision reveals the state of confusion that America is witnessing, and it reveals America’s clear sponsorship of the aggression and the blockade on Yemen.

He added: The aggression against Yemen is an exercise of terrorism as a fact, and such a decision cannot contribute to converging views, bringing the political process closer and pushing the parties towards the negotiating table.

Insistence on steadfastness:

Ibrahim Al-Omeisi said that such a decision will not provide security to America or Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and the Zionist entity, indicating that it is evidence of American desire for more aggression, and confirms that the aggression against Yemen is American-Israeli which uses Saudi Arabia and the UAE as tools.

He added that everyone, including us as the Yemeni people, knows very well who the terrorists are and what their tools are, and we know that America is the one running terrorism in the world, and during the past years, despite the aggression and the siege, terrorism has been defeated, besieged and tightened, this seems what annoyed the American administration then made such decision.

Resource: ansarollah website.

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