Including an advance and an airstrike … the aggression forces committ 179 violations in Hodeidah

179 Violations committed by the US Saudi-led aggression coalition forces during the past 24 hours were recoded, according to the Operations Room to monitor violations of the Sweden agreement in Hodeidah province .

They included an attempt to advance on Hays district and an airstrikes on Al-Koei village in Al-Durayhimi district.

The source mentioned also the creation of new combat fortifications in Al-Jabaliya area and near the 50th Street, an air raid by a spy plane on Al-Faza area, and the flight of 15 warplanes in the airspace of Hodeida city, Hays and Al-Durayhimi districts and Al-Faza and Al-Jah areas,

In addition, seven spy aircraft flew over Al-Tuhita district and Al-Faza and Al-Jabaliya areas.

The monitored breaches included 15 violations with artillery shelling, and 123 violations with various live bullets.


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