Iran warns Israel of consequences of any wrong move

Iran denied the validity of the Israeli accusations that it was behind the attack on a merchant ship in the Gulf of Oman, warning Israel of the consequences of “any wrong move that might be taken.”

In a letter sent to the Secretary-General of the Organization, Antonio Guterres, and the President of the UN Security Council, Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Majid Takht Rawanji, rejected the accusation by Israel of Iran that it had carried out the recent attack on an Israeli ship in the Gulf of Oman, and considered these allegations to be baseless.

Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations confirmed that “this incident bears all the characteristics of complex operations carried out by players pursuing their evil policies and their illegal goals.”

Takht Rawanji referred to the threats made by the Israeli side, saying: “The Zionist entity is desperately seeking, by accusing Iran and suggesting grievance, to divert attention from all its evil and destabilizing practices in the region.”

Takht Rawanji called on the world community to be vigilant against “the threats, crimes and brutal practices of the Zionist entity, especially the occupation of Palestine,” warning of the “continuous military adventures” by Israel in the unstable Middle East.

Takht Rawanji considered that Israel must be held responsible for all its illegal and reckless actions, while reminding it that it will be responsible for “all the consequences of any step based on a miscalculation.”

Source: Agencies.

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