Sons of Khawlan Amer, in Saada, supply the fronts with a financial and food convoy

The sons of Haydan and Saqin districts in Khawlan bin Amer of Saada governorate provided a food and financial convoy in support to the heroes of the army and the popular committees on various fronts.

The convoy contained various foodstuffs, in addition to the amount of thirty million riyals and many in-kind materials.

They organized a tribal stand to provide the convoy, in which they blessed the success of the Fifth Balance of Deterrence and the subsequent operations in the Saudi depth, as well as the successive victories on various fronts.

The participants called on all the Yemeni people to continue supplying the fronts with money and men to ward off the aggressors.

The statement condemned the continuation of the aggression and siege, considering the detention of oil derivative ships as a terrorist crime and a crime against humanity.

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