On the anniversary of their holiday … more than 10 thousand killed and 19 thousand and 498 workers wounded

A press conference was held in Sana’a today on the occasion of International Labor Day, which falls on May 1 of each year, and was organized by the General Federation of Yemen Trade Unions.

In the press conference, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister for National Vision Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Junaid, a statement was issued clarifying that the number of dead among the workers was 10 thousand and 901 people and 19 thousand and 498 wounded , pointing out that the unemployment rate reached 65 percent as a result of the aggression’s destruction of facilities and production sites.

N the conference, the head of the General Federation of Yemeni Trade Unions, Ali Bamahison, indicated that the working class in Yemen had faced a lot of trouble during the six years of aggression and siege. He explained that the unemployment rate rose to high levels as a result of the migration of companies and capital, which led to the layoffs of hundreds of thousands of workers, the transfer of the jobs of the Central Bank of Yemen to Aden and the suspension of salaries disbursement for about one million and 200 thousand employees of the state’s administrative apparatus.

He renewed welcoming the voices calling for peace, stopping the war and the blockade imposed on Yemen on land, sea and air, ending the suffering of citizens, paying salaries and providing basic services that millions of Yemenis were deprived of and suffered throughout the years of war.

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