Governor of Aden: continuing fighting, extremism in the occupied governorates portend a difficult reality

Aden Governor Tariq Salam said the state of infighting and terrorism in the occupied province of Aden is a result of enabling the armed terrorist groups represented by the Islah and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias to take control over the state institutions and their efforts to implement the agenda of the Saudi-Emirati occupation.

Salam said in a statement to the Yemeni news agency Saba that the killing and terrorism that Aden has experienced throughout the years of occupation has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that these groups are unable to coexist with each other or manage a particular region to ensure stability in society.

He pointed out that the continuation of fighting and extremism in the occupied governorates, especially Aden, portends a difficult reality that the people of Aden or other provinces will not accept because it threatens their lives and their future and makes them a tool in the conflict.

Salam said that the people of Aden and other governorates must play a pivotal role in the battle for liberation and independence.

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