The Citizens Complaints Committee arrests 13 officers and individuals

Today, Sunday, the Committee for Receiving Citizens’ Complaints regarding violations and abuses of police stations in the Capital Municipality held a press conference to announce the results of its work.It was in the presence of the Director General of the Municipality’s Police, Brigadier General Muammar Harrash, the Director General of Preventive Security and members of the committee.

In its statement, which was read by the Director of the Security Media Center, Colonel Najib Al-Ansi, the committee indicated that it had received 260 complaints, of which 133 were against police stations, and 40 were civil complaints.

The committee confirmed that 66 complaints were proven violations of police departments, in the light of which 5 officers, 8 non-commissioned officers and an individual were arrested in preparation for referring them to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior to complete legal procedures with them.

It explained that 32 complaints are still pending procedures and work is continuing on them by the committee, as the procedures have not been completed, and 19 complaints have been referred to the Complaints and Reporting Centers of the Inspector General, as they are related to public administrations.

The committee said: “The number of 121 complaints related to police departments in the governorates has been postponed, and the complainants’ data were taken and informed that they will be contacted when the committee goes to the governorates.”

It added, “We hope that the prosecutions and the courts will take such steps towards their members in order to bring justice to the citizens, as the committee has received complaints related to workers in the judiciary.”

The Ministry of Interior called on all its employees to commit not to engage in civil cases and to instruct citizens to go to the judiciary.

The Interior also called on the citizens to be of assistance to the security men, and the achievement of security, stability and public tranquility will not be complete without the cooperation of the citizens.

The Ministry announced the extension of the committee’s work until the end of this week.

The press conference, which was attended by a number of complainants and journalists, included interventions and discussions that enriched the event with many answers to the inquiries submitted to the members of the committee.

The committee was formed based on the directives of the Minister of Interior, Major General Abdul Karim Amir Al-Din Al-Houthi, in response to the request of the member of the Supreme Political Council and head of the Supreme Judicial System, Mr. Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, in order to receive citizens’ complaints about the abuses of workers in police stations in the capital’s secretariat and the governorates.

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