The Media Center of the Southern governorates reveals the high rate of organized crime in the occupied governorates

A statistic for the Media Center for the Southern governorates in the capital, Sana’a, confirmed that the organized crime rate in the occupied governorates had risen to the highest levels during the period from April to July 2021.

The Center monitored 1,491 crimes and violations that reflected the state of great insecurity in the occupied southern governorates and threatens the rights of citizens to live a stable and secure life.

In a statistic issued today, the Center stated that among the crimes and violations observed during that period were 80 assassination crimes at a rate of 5.3%, in Aden, Lahj, Wadi Hadramout, Shabwa, Al-Dhalea and Mocha.

It pointed out that 95 wounded people were identified as assassination attempts, representing 6.4%, against activists and military and civilian leaders in the governorates of Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwa, Socotra and Al Dhale’e.

For several reasons, most notably the escalation of the conflict between the tools of the Emirati and Saudi occupation, the total of extrajudicial arrests increased to 347 crimes, at a rate of 23.1%. for the Emirates.Shabwa governorate, which is under the control of Islah party militia, was the top in the total number of individual and group arrests, then the city of Aden through the militias of the Southern Transitional Council of the UAE.

In light of the spread of armed robbery crimes on state lands and property and citizens, the reported armed robbery crimes amounted to 265 crimes, 17.6 percent. There were 178 organized robbery crimes in Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa, 15 robberies against government institutions, and 16 robberies against shops and companies. money exchange, 11 burglaries of employees’ money and salaries, nine burglaries and car looting, and 13 crimes against citizens’ homes.

The initial cumulative statistics of this type of crime, which has become a daily phenomenon in the neighborhoods of Aden, indicate that the number of public and private lands, some of which belong to housing associations for the public and private sectors, have risen to more than 11 thousand plots. The scope of the armed robbery on lands extended from the city of Aden to the governorates of Lahj, Abyan, Shabwa and Hadramout.

Despite the total inability of the security authorities in Aden to protect the rights and property of citizens due to the involvement of military influencers in the growing burglary of land in the city, the documentation archive in the State Lands and Real Estate Authority in the city of Aden was subjected to arson last week, with the aim of obliterating the crime of organized looting against state lands and property and citizens in the city and install the looted lands to the looters.

According to the statistics, kidnapping crimes against women, men and children during the same period amounted to 63 crimes, 4.2%, and enforced disappearances, 24 crimes, 1.6%, in Aden, Abyan, Lahj, Shabwa and the West Coast. While more than 40 forcibly disappeared persons are still in secret prisons run by the Emirates in those provinces.

The statistics pointed out that the STC militias in Aden released Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Shaibani after ten months of detention and enforced disappearance in one of its secret prisons in the city of Aden, in exchange for Islah militias releasing a number of STC leaders who were kidnapped in Shabwa. While the fate of the leader in the Southern Movement ,Mudram Abu Siraj, ho was kidnapped on the 3rd of last May in the city of Aden, along with a number of military and security leaders who were kidnapped in Aden is obscure.

As a result of the escalation of insecurity and the disparate and conflicting armed groups sharing control of the city, the business environment has deteriorated to the lowest levels and security risks have increased on local investments.Extortion crimes by force have escalated, 61 crimes have been monitored, at a rate of 4.2%, most of which affect traders in the city of Aden, and freight carriers Working on the public roads linking the port of Aden to the free governorates.

The center also monitored 21 cases of extortion against local and expatriate traders by checkpoints belonging to the tools of the aggression in Shabwa, Abyan, Lahj and Al-Dhale’.

In light of the growing phenomenon of carrying arms in the occupied governorates, the total armed attacks amounted to 231 crimes, at a rate of 15.4%, affecting residential neighborhoods, streets, markets and public roads in Aden, Abyan, Lahj, Mocha, Mukalla, Wadi Hadramawt and Socotra.

The attacks on peaceful popular protests against violations, armed robbery of property, deterioration of public services and the collapse of the national currency exchange rate amounted to 115 attacks, at a rate of 3.8%. Dozens of protesters in Mukalla, Shabwa and Aden were subjected to repression, intimidation and security prosecution.

The center recorded 86 military clashes between the tools of aggression in various directions in Aden, Abyan, Shabwa, Lahj, Al Dhale’, Mocha and Socotra, at a rate of 5.7%. These clashes, in which light and medium weapons were used, disturbed the public tranquility in the city of Ataq, Aden, Lawdar, Hadibo and Mocha.

The crime of blocking public roads for various reasons increased in Lahj, Abyan, Al Dhale’, Shabwa and Hadramout, reaching 61 crimes, at a rate of 4.0%. As a result of the inter-conflict between the tools of Islah and transitional aggression, travel bans amounted to 78 crimes, at a rate of 5.2%, most of which were monitored at the transitional checkpoints in the vicinity of the city of Aden and the points located in Karsh ,Al-Habileen in Lahj governorate and other points in Al-Dhalea.

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