Al-Sharjabi: The United Nations invests the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

The spokesman for the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs, Talaat Al-Sharjabi, accused the United Nations of investing in the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and working to prolong it without developing any tangible solutions.

Al-Sharjabi said in a statement to al-Masirah channel, on Sunday, that the United Nations is managing the crisis in Yemen away of finding radical solutions, adding that the United Nations deals with Yemenis as numbers in its statements and reports.

He pointed out that the United Nations is talking about the water scarcity crisis in Yemen, while UNICEF has stopped providing water and sewage stations with what they need.

He called on the United Nations to deal with what is happening in Yemen as an international conflict and not an internal conflict, in case it wanted to resolve the crisis, pointing out that the new UN envoy was familiar with all of the above and had opportunities to prove the seriousness of the United Nations in finding solutions.

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