Washington Publishes Investigation Documents into Saudi Arabia’s Connection to September 11 Attacks

Quting from almasirah, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released hundreds of recently declassified documents investigating the possible links of the Saudi regime to the September 11 attacks.
More than 700-page FBI documents, released under an executive order from US President Joe Biden, indicate that al-Qaeda divided roles in planning the attacks and “did not make the plans for the attack known in advance to others” for fear of their leakage.

According to the office’s memo, the kidnappers knew that “there was a jihadist operation, but they did not know when and where until shortly before the time of the attack,” noting that the office “did not identify additional groups or individuals responsible for the attack who are not currently accused.”

According to the new documents, the FBI also investigated relations between Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mehdar, the first hijackers to arrive in the United States, and people connected to the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, which funds mosques and efforts to promote Islam around the world.

One of the documents indicates that the Bureau of Investigation investigated whether al-Qaeda elements infiltrated the ministry without the knowledge of the Saudi government, or whether there was cooperation between elements of the organization and some extremist elements within the ministry.

CBS News reported that the new documents come about two months after the bureau published a 16-page document revealing the “great logistical support” received by two Saudi hijackers in the United States, noting that “the publication of the documents comes after a difficult but fruitless investigation and questioning.” Lots of results.

For years, the investigation focused on whether three Saudi nationals, including an official at the Saudi embassy in Washington, had prior knowledge of the attacks. The investigation concluded that there was insufficient evidence to accuse the three citizens of directly supporting the kidnappers.

Over the past two decades, the investigation examined the support provided by Saudi officials to the kidnappers, and Washington used the September 11 investigations to blackmail the Saudi regime from time to time.

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