Yemen’s truce about to expire, with no signs of a nearing peace

Less than a week is the remaining period of the military and humanitarian truce agreed upon under the auspices of the United Nations in Yemen, and there are no serious indications by the coalition of aggression in moving toward achieving full peace. Violations, repudiation and evasion, this is how the US-backed Saudi coalition of aggression deals with the armistice while the United Nations turns a blind eye.


Ongoing violations

The aggression’s military violations of the truce began from the first day of its entry into force on the 2nd of last April. The violations amounted to be more than “3232” military violations along the fronts, including raids by raids and combat UAVs, attempted infiltration, and bombing. In addition, the siege is still ongoing as well as the detention of ships and the closure of Sanaa airport.

The humanitarian side did not differ much from the military side, as the coalition of aggression dealt with this side by evading the implementation of its obligations. Meanwhile, the United Nations did not perform its duty to implement the agreement, for it is the one sponsoring this armistice.

Although the armistice agreement stipulated the operation of two commercial flights to Sanaa International Airport during the whole two months of the armistice, but only allowed the airport to open and operate just last week, in clear violation of what was agreed upon.

The coalition of aggression’s repudiation of the implementation of the armistice agreement had significant humanitarian repercussions, especially on patients who are required to travel abroad for treatment.

For his part, Director General of Sana’a International Airport Khaled Al-Shayef confirmed that the aggression coalition’s delay in opening Sana’a International Airport to humanitarian flights killed the feelings of thousands of patients who waited for the supposed flights under the humanitarian truce.

Al-Shayef explained that 1,400 passengers would have arrived and patients like them would have left if the commercial flights were carried out to Sanaa airport as stipulated in the agreement. He stressed that the National Salvation Government in Sana’a had made many concessions in order to alleviate the humanitarian crisis, but the coalition of aggression did not have the “seriousness” about the implementation of the armistice.

Piracy on fuel ships continues

In another flagrant violation of the provisions of the armistice agreement, the forces of aggression continued to seize fuel ships, as they recently detained a ship loaded with diesel and another loaded with gas, despite their inspection and obtaining entry permits from the United Nations, who continued to turn a blind eye to these violations that threaten to undermine the armistice.

Selling out the humanitarian file

The intransigence of the coalition of aggression and its obstruction in implementing the provisions of the armistice agreement also appeared in the prisoners’ file, as its aggressive policy prevented any progress in this file despite all the proposals, initiatives and offers made by the patriotic side for that. The biggest proof is the (163) initiative detained, whom the Saudi regime claimed to be prisoners of the army and the people’s committees, which ended in a resounding scandal, as the Saudi regime worked to manipulate this file and released Yemeni detainees who had nothing to do with prisoners of war, including foreigners, which was revealed by the Prisoners’ Affairs Committee in the words of the head of the committee Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada recently. It was also revealed through the media of the Saudi regime itself.

Observers confirmed that the aggression forces’ violations, their evasion, and their repudiation of their commitments are all indications that the coalition of aggression does not intend to move towards achieving real peace in Yemen.

Observers concluded that the coalition of aggression only wanted to gain time to rearrange their plans and their military status to enter into a new wave of escalation after the end of the truce period, which was confirmed by the statements of political and military leaders affiliated with the coalition of aggression, including the deputy head of the Riyadh Presidential Council, Faraj Salmeen al-Bahsani, who He told Al-Arabiya channel – affiliated with the Saudi regime that the coalition forces are preparing for an escalation by various means, including security and military.

On the other hand, it seems that the national political and military institutions are fully aware of the intentions of the aggressive Saudi-led coalition. While the Minister of Defense, Major General Mohammed al-Atifi, affirmed their keenness on the truce, they assured that their armed forces are present in the field and the enemy will be surprised by the response.

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