Sana’a confirms next operations will not be “warning” strikes

The approval of the World Bank to grant the mercenary government $300 million from Yemen’s special drawing rights represented a clear translation of the aggression coalition and its international sponsors’ insistence on doubling the suffering of the Yemeni people, and refusing to meet their legitimate humanitarian and legal demands, which undermines all their propaganda regarding their concern for peace and support for the armistice renewal negotiations. Instead, matters are moving toward an escalation.

Mercenary Rashad al-Alimi, head of the so-called “leadership council” formed by the enemy, had praised a few days ago the role of the United States of America and Britain in strengthening the central bank branch in Aden with $300 million of special drawing rights, which means that the international administration of aggression is standing directly behind the decision of the World Bank.

It seems clear that this step came as a retaliation by the administration of the aggression coalition for the decision of Sana’a to ban the export of oil and prevent the plundering of its revenues, as this decision is a disaster on the heads of the mercenaries who were accustomed to getting their share from the crude oil revenues and depositing the rest in the National Bank of Saudi Arabia, within the framework of a wide and deliberate looting operation aimed at financing the continuation of the war. At the same time, depriving Yemenis of the benefits of national wealth.

Over the past period, the United States has tried to put pressure on Sana’a to allow the plundering of the national wealth to continue, but Sana’a refused to do so, stressing that oil and gas revenues should be allocated to paying employee salaries and improving services, considering this as an essential step towards peace and an urgent achievement that cannot be postponed.

The United States of America’s adherence to the continued plundering of oil and the theft of its revenues was clear, and it caused the failure of good understandings that had been reached with the countries of aggression, but the resumption of exports without the approval of Sana’a is still very difficult, and for this reason, resorting to the use of special drawing rights came most likely as an attempt to circumvent Sana’a’s decision.

Sana’a: We will treat the World Bank’s decision as a hostile act

At a time when the countries of aggression and their international sponsors may think that they have managed to twist Sana’a’s arm and thwart its decision to protect wealth, in reality, they just complicated matters and their hostile step will backfire on them. Sana’a has confirmed that it will not stand idly by in the face of attempts to tamper with the country’s rights.

In this context, Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Al-Ezzi commented on the World Bank’s decision with a clear assertion that Sana’a “will deal with any measure of this kind as a hostile act and immoral participation in tampering with Yemen’s rights and in financing an ongoing aggression against our oppressed and besieged people, which will expose the World Bank to legal accountability.” .

“We will force the World Bank to pay fair compensation as a legal right to Sana’a, the capital of the Republic of Yemen,” he added.

Al-Ezzi warned the World Bank “against pumping any sums of money into any branch of the Central Bank in the occupied Yemeni lands.” He considered this an open involvement in financing rebel mercenaries appointed by foreign capitals, which Yemen is at war with. His words to the World Bank called to respect the Bank’s stated goals and distance itself from supporting the corrupt and terrorists hostile to the Yemeni people.

These warnings contain clear messages to the countries of aggression and their sponsors. These messages simply say that any attempt to circumvent the entitlements of the Yemeni people and the search for new ways to multiply the suffering and put pressure on Sana’a will only lead to killing what is left of the confidence required to proceed on the path of peace. Money drawing rights are not much different from the revenues of crude oil, and using them as an alternative source of financing the local and other mercenaries is something that Sana’a will not allow.

Therefore, the World Bank’s giving of the drawing rights to mercenaries will open a new phase that will affect the entire war, as Sana’a will be forced to impose new equations and strategies to respond to the enemy’s intransigence.

The features of these changes emerged in another message sent by Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Al-Ezzi, in which he stated that: “The upcoming strikes will not be warning strikes,” and that “the oil wealth will remain forbidden to the enemy and its mercenaries, and they will not get a drop of it, neither in peace nor in war, until its proceeds are returned entirely to the people.”

This message was much clearer than its predecessors in emphasizing that Sana’a still has the options to respond and deter all enemy violations and escalatory steps, in a way that is equivalent to it in strength and in line with the requirements of the stage.

The mercenaries may be able to plunder a new batch of the rights of the Yemeni people with the help of the United States and Britain, but they will encounter negative results that are longer-term and have a wider impact. The Americans and the British will not be able to circumvent them or mitigate their effects, because it will push things towards a new stage in which the enemy’s options will narrow even more, and the only solution will be to restore the rights of the Yemeni people and meet their demands.

The United States is at the fore

The approval of the World Bank to grant the mercenary government special drawing rights reaffirmed that the United States of America is working intensively and directly to reset the Yemeni scene in accordance with the interests and desires of the White House under the umbrella of the “no war and no peace” situation, which the President of the Yemen said is a result of the conclusion of some sides participating in the Saudi-led aggression to the inevitability of loss and the need to change its position.

This means that the United States has once again returned to the forefront directly to manage all aggressive operations against the Yemeni people, and that it is trying to take advantage of Sana’a’s positivity in dealing with the predicament of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to use more cards, through the use of local mercenaries.

This was confirmed by all the direct steps taken by the United States during the recent period, starting with the failure of the understandings between Sana’a and the countries of aggression, through the diplomatic and military visits to Hadramout, all the way to the use of the Special Drawing Rights as a source of financing the mercenaries and criminal groups, who were previously financed by the Yemeni stolen crude oil revenues that Sana’a prevented from looting. There are many other evidence and steps in which the United States took regarding the Yemeni file, as it is trying to keep the entire scene under its control politically and militarily, including its latest movements at sea and waterways.

This means that the predicament of Saudi Arabia and the UAE is getting more difficult to get out from. Their inability to make a decision to meet the demands of the Yemeni people exposes them to serious repercussions that will result from the aggressive American moves. Sana’a has confirmed more than once that it will not accept the imposition of the “no war and no peace” state.

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