Sarie’ : Martyr’s annual anniversary remindes of sacrifices, feats of martyrs for home sake

The Director of the Department of Moral Guidance, Brigadier General Yahya Sarie, confirmed that the martyr’s anniversary is an important reminder of the biography and feats of those who sacrificed their lives for God and the homeland of the members of the armed forces and the free people to defend national sovereignty.

This was included in the event to honour the families of martyrs from members of the Service of Moral Guidance of the Armed Forces in the presence of the Adviser to the Chief of General Staff, Brigadier General Ali Ghalib Al-Harazi and the sons and families of the martyrs.

“We are in a sacred battle either to be or not to be, and we will not forget the sacrifices of the great martyrs who gave their historic immaculate blood and they laid strong foundations for building Yemen ‘ future and firmly anchored the security and stability we enjoy today “. Sarie also said.

He noted that the heroics and exploits of the martyrs raised the heads of Yemeni people and made them proud of what the righteous martyrs gave on various fronts as they are tremendously countering the country’s enemies.

Brigadier General Sarie added: “The enemy was bombing Sana’a and the provinces with dozens of airstrikes, today, by the grace of God, we were able to respond to the raid with several missiles and drones, and our armed forces were able to impose an equation in the scales of deterrence and terror balances with the enemy”.

The recent equation imposed by the armed forces as part of their tasks to protect sovereign wealth from oil and gas proved the deterrence force and the advanced level of monitoring of Yemen’s armed forces demonstrated their capacity to protect sovereignty and wealth.

The Director of the Department of Moral Guidance explained that the mercenaries had thrown dozens of deluded persons into the incinerators of death while they and their sons are dependent and subordinate to the enemy.

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