Ansarollah spokesman calls for lifting the siege on the Syrian people ,canceling the unjust Caesar Act


Posted on February 7, 2023
Ansarollah website – Yemen –

Today, Tuesday, the official spokesman for Ansarollah, Muhammad Abdel Salam, called for lifting the unjust siege on the Syrian people and for canceling the unjust Caesar Act.

Abdel Salam said in his tweet, “The catastrophe that the Syrian people suffered as a result of the earthquake requires lifting the unjust siege on them by canceling the unjust Caesar Act.”

He added, “This is a moral and human test for countries that have shown sympathy while they are still participating in the siege on Syria.”

It should be noted that the director of health in the Syrian governorate of Aleppo, Ziyad al-Haj Taha, confirmed to almasirah today that his country suffers from a severe shortage of equipment, fuel and medicine due to the unfair US sanctions, pointing out that there are tens of thousands of displaced people in Aleppo governorate following the earthquake.

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